Saturday, December 31, 2016

3.5 months into marriage + 2017 New Year Resolutions

December 31, 2016 0 Comments
Wow I just realized that you can backdate your blog posts now to the date and time you want. It must be really long since i last blogged!
Today, i shall touch on the above topics.. how life have been after marriage, and some of my innermost resolutions that have been threatening to manifest. :)

Marriage life is life after marriage? Asking how marriage life is at this point of time, is equivalent to asking a one year old baby how she feels after being on Earth for a year. There are insufficient data analysis to make a proper conclusion yet of how things are and will turn out. But we are learning new things about each other for sure, and that's quite interesting~ I have heard of many stories of how the different habits can make you want to kill each other, but thankfully, it has not reach that point.

Maybe that's also because i am quite a "chin chai" person, meaning "anything also ok", so i am not so particular about things like jumping onto the bed without bathing (Hmm cos i also do that and will be upset if i am so tired after work, and someone scolds me for doing that), eating in the bedroom while watching tv(i think that's fun! like watching movies but FREE).

One thing i mind (or not really) is being asked to play BOARD GAMES at 1.30am in the morning cos my cute hubby feels like playing? One vs one somemore. HAHA. That's abit stretching my patience, but well i have learnt to be adaptable after being with him, so *breathes in, breathes out*. Let's play just one round.

him after one round: Let's play one more round! :)
me: But i am tired..><
him: one more one more!
*after 15 mins*
me:yay i win!!
him:one more one more?

This guy has no limits.. hahahaha..=D

Living with my in laws is also a new experience, and i am just depending on His grace to bring me through it well.:) I have heard 1000 horror stories about it, before getting married, about how i should just get my own house, as living together is not easy. Some advices are useful, like a friend of mine who lived with the in laws for 10 years? She say everything just orh orh orh, and be guai can already. HAHA.

I asked her what i should do if i don't feel like orh orh, she say never mind just orh lo. Ok that's a useful tip! X) Think that's how she manage to do it, and the parents in law lovessss her. =D Another tip is how i should help to wash up the dishes in the sink too, not only wash my own. Waaa think that's really an important advice! i would have just missed that if not for her. HAHA. Sometimes a bit buay zi dong one. LOL.

On whether we will get a house, maybe not at the moment. There are many logical reasons that tells me i SHOULD get my own flat (privacy, financial investment, to leave and cleave, etc etc). and i WANT to. But sometimes, circumstances don't allow you to. I have come to terms since young that we don't always get what we want. and life is unfair. We just have to make the best out of it ourselves, and no one owes us anything. If we want to keep on whining and complaining about how our life pales in comparison to others, then really, nothing good will come out of it even after 10 years.

This brings me to a story that my pastor shared with us the other day. *drumrolls*

There are two shops competing with each other selling goods. They are always comparing with each other. Every time a customer walked into the opposite shop, another shop keeper will be upset and try to make sure he also get one customer. Let's call them shopkeeper A and B. One day, an angel appeared to shopkeeper B. The angel told him that he could grant him any wish he wants. BUT there is one condition. Shopkeeper A will always get twice of what B wish for.

So if shopkeeper B chooses money, he can get lots of money, but shopkeeper A will have twice as much as him. If he chooses health, he will have good health, but shopkeeper A will have even better health than him. Shopkeeper B thought long and hard, he just could not get over the fact that A can get more than him.

Finally, he told the angel. I have decide on what i want.

Please..please make my one eye blind.

-------------------------------------------------------------THE END---------------------------------------------------------------------

Isn't this a story we can all relate to? Maybe, we are blessed. It may not be as grand as what your friends are having, and it may just be very simple things - a roof over your head, a job (maybe it don't have as high a pay), a parent who loves you? or good health? But we are might be filled with envy of what other people have. Just like what Shopkeeper B could have done. He could have been blessed, yet he chose his one eye to be blind, so that Shopkeeper A can have both eyes blind. Isn't this kind of jealousy and envious attitude so harmful that it can make us lose sight of the little things we could be thankful about?

Anyway, just some thoughts. I was suppose to write about marriage life. HAHA. yes so despite what people are saying (and scaring me hahaha), i am trying to see positivism in living together and not purchasing a flat yet. Thank God for caring in laws! Yes we don't have privacy, but at least we have someone to look after us. We can't do anything or say anything we want loudly in the house, but maybe that means a more peaceful house and less quarreling? (very possible since me and daniel are so different) =) And we can always learn things from the elders who have eaten more salt than we eat rice in life too! HEEHEE.

Now let's go on to the next topic:

2017 New Year Resolutions!

During one of the service, pastor shared and mentioned that instead of planning for normal things like save more money, lose weight, more healthy that kind of goals, we should plan to achieve inner change!

In summary, he listed five. *ERM let me try to remember*.

1) Make a resolution to be less fearful and bolder this year?
2) Make a resolution to be less angry this year? (if you are constantly feeling upset about things, try to find out why you are reacting this way all the time!)
3) Make a resolution to be less greedy?
4) to not be lustful?
5) ???

OK i can't remember the last point. I am a bad hoo. lol, i think i am guilty of some here, so here is MY list of resolutions! =D

1. Maintain my weight~
2. TRYYYYY not to eat so much fast food as my cholestrol is borderline high already X.X
3. Drink lots of plain water!! (Try to cut down on those sweet drinks which are so... tempting, cold and seem to trickle down my dry throat so well ><)
4. Make a resolution to be less fearful and bolder this year
5. Save $12,000
6. Blog 22-30 posts for 2017! Record down all the life events so that i can look back when i am 80 years old at what has happened in my life~ (because my memory is really quite short haha)
7. Learn one dish a month (my goals with mil)
8. Work towards my dream =D

May 2017 be the best year yet for all! =))