Saturday, July 01, 2023

Updates on life! (+documenting down the IVF journey)

Hello friends, we are back! It has been five years..If you are still subscribers of this blog, thank you so much for not giving up!

These few years flew by with a blink of an eye..a summary of what happened:

1. We are still staying together amicably with our in laws (Praise the Lord)

2. During covid period, we had an opportunity to purchase a property with our savings. Initially, we were saving up for a baby, but he/she has not come yet after 6 years! (Where are you baby? Please come to us soon! =’)

It was a spur of the moment, and everything was done in less than a month. We brought our mothers to visit a few units, and all thought that one particular unit stood out the most.

This was a blessing in disguise.

Having to stay together with my in laws (permanently), because the hubby’s name is in the house, was something we were left with no choice at the start of our marriage.

Like any newly wed, I will not be honest if I were to say that I didn’t wanted a house of our own. Many times, I struggled with not having the privacy we needed, of owning our own home.

However, God is good. Because He knew what we needed, even before we know it ourselves.

Well meaning friends has talked to me about how important it is to put my name in the house, for practical reasons. However, being a simplistic and somehow naïve person, I didn’t think that was important, because the most important thing to me was: good relationships with my husband and in laws.

Thought process: If I am married, why think about all those negatives? Even without a name in the house, I would still stay together with hubby in the house if our relationship is good. God placed a simple faith in my heart, to trust Him, and not worry about things/situations we can’t control.

So when the opportunity came to get a house (out of a random conversation with mother in law) - low and behold, my name was free to be used! One agent told us that this arrangement was possible to married couples, but are extremely rare because of two reasons.

1.The hubby does not have enough CPF to pay for one house
2.Wife will never agree to not have their name in the house in the first place, out of security reasons

I am so thankful that because of being simple and “sha sha” (Silly nature), we managed to lalala and get a house under my name! WOWW I thought that owning a house would not be possible anymore, but a miracle happened. Indeed, thank God for His plans for us – His plans are not to harm us, but is good. What was a sad situation turned out to be a blessing in disguise!

Furthermore, I am grateful to my fil who cooks for us, and my mil for being my spiritual mentor to guide me through challenges in life. Who knew this was His plan!

His ways are higher than our ways! We may not understand when bad things happened to us, but He knows it best, because He is our good Abba Father!

3. We tried IUI for two times but were not successful. For those who don’t know what’s that, IUI is a procedure for couples who want to try for children, but not successful yet. It is a milder form of IVF (Still tramautising to me though!), has a lower chance than IVF.
4. My dad passed on in Jun 2020, but he is happily in heaven now, with no pain and suffering. I missed him dearly.
5. Work is still challenging to us, but we are trying to improve and get better
6. Caught covid
7. Went black pink concert
8. Watch too much Netflix
9. Make a decision to lose weight each year but have not succeeded, yet! (I still believe we will one day, haha)
10. We are going to try for IVF in end Jun’23

Thought of restarting this blog, so that we can journey down the IVF process.

Life cannot always be smooth sailing. It has to have challenges, and this is one of ours, and we felt that by documenting the whole journey, hopefully we can encourage others with similar situations like us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God bless u, Fung!

You've been such an encouragement n blessing. May our good Lord grant u the desires of your heart and lead u into his manifold blessings. Speak forth and it shall be, for there is power in our words =)

Praying alongside u, Fung! *hugs!* ^.^

Ben Cookies ice-cream thief