Sunday, February 26, 2017

Sunday, February 12, 2017


February 12, 2017 2 Comments
Hmm..I have some issues to deal with regarding money..

On one hand, I really dislike it as it is a topic that is constantly buzzing around my ears ever since I was growing up. (as we came from a low income family) Non stop, 24/7, even as of now.

The constant talks on wealth, how to work hard to get "Enough", how we can never break past barriers no matter how hard we work, all these are ideas that my naïve mind does not want/wish to subscribe to.

What I believe, and still do - is that God will provide, and since He will, why must I think soooo hard on it. In one of my blog post in the past, I mentioned that this does not mean that we don't do any financial planning, etc. What I meant was, we can just work hard, buy some insurance, save, and have good health, lalala, and all will work out! Right? mmm!

There was even a point in life that I hated it so much - I decided to give $120 to a cab driver who bother to listen to me talk, just to show that I can survive without it. (Not to show off, but just sharing - though I am not sure if I regretted afterwards la LOL)

Yet, on another hand..i love to count/handle money,etc. There was one period I worked in Cisco! And we were all doing some packer job, not packing items, but cash. Stacks of S10/$50, and even smaller stacks of $100K. LOL I must admit it was the most fun temporary job in my life so far, though it was also the most tiring one where we have to work night shifts.

Back on point, as I start to receive more blessings from above, it has become a concern to me, the struggle between reality and my naïve thoughts on $$. I even started to plan for my retirement!! (HUH) and I do spend quite a bit of time reading up in this aspect, instead on the simplistic belief.

In fact, I think i have been spending too much time researching, and this is causing some inner conflict. Because... this subject has began to interest me. Things that I don't care in the past, I have began to see. O.o And this is not always a good thing, because greed comes into the picture.

NoOOoOOOOoO! *tries finding back the old lmf* Wo Bu yaooOOO dong shi x)

LOL anyway, the struggle boils down to one thing. As always. Control. The need to control things in our life. Every time I try to control an area in my life, or starts putting priority on that particular area , things won't work out. But when I let go and trust God to handle well, things does. It's highly interesting isn't it. Hmm. Does anyone else feels the same?

So I have found out after 27+ years of life, that the key to life is not to find happiness! It is to Lose control of things (don't expect too much) and to trust the above to control your life. And that, will somehow lead you to happiness. Haha.

Yes, so less priority on $$$, more priority on the Creator who gave me the grace. I have a love hate relationship with cash, if you give me a surprise visit, I will still welcome you! But bye for now, going to chuck thoughts of you away and re-prioritise hehe! :)

OK I dunno what kind of blog post is this. Maybe one that is just before a busy audit week. Pray that the week will fly by and all will go smoothly at work. Jiayou jiayou everyone! :)

Wednesday, February 08, 2017

New App + New Chair + Birthday Leave!

February 08, 2017 0 Comments
Besides writing random posts about my dramatic life (hope not anymore), I shall blog about some useful information that I found out too.

As I live in a cave and have a habit of finding out technology/fashion/companies/etc, later than others (HAHA), maybe it will help those who are new to such topics too when I blog. If it doesn't, please CLICK HERE to what out what helps. ;)

OK so that day my insurance agent and I was discussing about a form I have to print out and fill, then send it back to him. Because my house do not have a working printer yet, I had a problem. To cut the story short, I need to pass him the form urgently. So I need to first: print out my form, second: scan the form back to him.

Was wondering what I should do, and he introduced me this app, which I downloaded and found it very useful! Thanks YY!:)

It is called "Adobe Fill & Sign". Let me introduce you this wonderful invention!

The reason why it is so cool is because it is FREE! like i always feel, free means a bonus, and bonus means good right! lol oh no, i am slowly morphing into an auntie. Or am i already one? X)
Back to topic, this cool app has some really awesome functions:
1) We can store our e- signature inside, by signing once
2) We need to first save a photo of the form in the photo album, open this app, upload the photo, and fill up the form. The form allows itself to be filled up through text box, so that's like really WOW!
3) After which, you can "share" the completed form through whatsapp to whoever who needs it. =D

Let's hope it's always free! :)

New Chair

And so, I have always liked customised things, or things that are personalised (passport holders, pink calculator, pink wall paper on my water bottle or any thing that is pink basically)

So it is of course a dream to own things that is bought myself and according to my own liking. So I have been looking through many office chairs since I move in. Somehow, it just doesn't seem to be the one I like. If it is, it may be too expensive. so while chatting with Dan about 5 months back, he introduced to me this website of chairs.

I fell in love with the chair on the site! It look so classy and comfortable! But as the price was a little steep, I couldn't bear to get it. After many considerations - that we did not get much furnitures for the house anyway, I finally make the decision to buy.

The website states that it will take 4-8 weeks for the shipment to arrive. For some reason, I receive an email the next day, saying that the chair will arrive in 5-7 days.. I was so happy! Then two days later, I receive an SMS saying a NINJA will be delivering to my house that day. WOW , what superb customer service was that. Thank God for watching over my chio chair and let it reach me so fast! :)

P.S: Self fixing required but it doesn't take very long, and the price is really much lower than outside for some chairs!

chio CHAIR! :)

                                              my personalised pink wall paper on my laptop!

For more information on the chairs from this company, please CLICK HERE . This is a Japanese brand btw.

And so here I am, taking leave on my birthday and resting (slacking)! Will be going out for lunch later. HEHE Birthday rawks! =D

Sunday, February 05, 2017

Saving for retirement

February 05, 2017 0 Comments
As promised, today I shall write another post!

Haha, maybe after a while, as i stop advertising on Facebook on this blog's existence, I will realise that the only person reading this blog is myself..*sobs*..

So far I think I have got 6 followers who subscribed to my blog.. and I started writing since donkey years ago. >< Ok this must be because i do not have a habit to update the blog as frequently (4-5 post last year) - that's why. *continues to live in self denial*

Last week the readership went up to 200views though! So i am just praying for a miracle to happen that people will suddenly find interest in my lamebowl blog. hahaha.

But it shouldn't matter anymore! because since i love to write, so i should just type whatever that comes to my mind, even if there is nobody reading it. *TRIES giving the biggest hint i can* x)

Do subscribe ok! If you have yet to, i will really be so touched, and feel loved, that this is a blog that went through many episodes of "Survivor" and came out stronger. =) Thank you in advance haha!

Food for thought: Have you ever read about how if you give time to what you love to do (30 mins each day), then maybe one day it will all add up to something big? Every success starts from something insignificant, and that's what i shall do for 2017:)

Enough talking to myself, today i shall talk about retirement. LOL. Recently, I have the honour to know a good friend. We love to discuss about how we invest and save our money. It is really interesting to share, because i think it is not everyday that we can discuss about such money topics with your friends.

Firstly, if you do, maybe they will think you that you are too hao lian, and secondly, this is such a sensitive and private topic! Haha but for some reasons, maybe due to age difference, or she is such a great listener to my never ending stories - we were able to do so comfortably. =))

Because we are such risk adverse people, (unlike investors who take bigger risks in stocks and sometimes earn really high returns), we chose to do what the common man do. I am not sure if such decisions will prove to be "Wrong" in the future when i look back, but i think this is a more secure and safe route which i prefer to take. And my heart will be able to work better without the highs and lows, hopefully.

Ok so here it starts! A few months ago... I chanced upon this blog, on how we could most certainly save $1million by retirement and i got really excited! (Although i know $1 million by then would be not so much due to inflation, but still =)..

This is assuming that you are healthy & working, thus contributing regularly to CPF. In short, the blog posts talks about how we should take advantage of the higher interest rates provided by CPF, the fact that you are young by the magic of compounding interest.

The blogger, named AK, showed snippets of his own CPF statements, and how by transferring some of his OA to SA at a young age, plus cash top ups into SA, he manage to accumulate a lot of wealth, through the interest rates from the govt. On top of it, he does some other investments too.

However, there are many considerations before transferring your money to SA. This is because once the money is transferred to SA, you can only take it out when you are 55 years old. (that's like 20+more years) I don't mean take out everything at age 55 though, but only the difference on top of the Minimum Sum. (currently pegged at $166K).

So if you are still paying off your housing loans, education loans, or are those with bigger risk appetite (thus would want to use your OA to invest in stocks), then maybe you would not find this approach appealing at the moment.

One thing about this blogger which i find interesting, is how he dares to use proofs, by putting up his own CPF statements, the huge amount of interest he gets a year, onto his website. You can visit his blog and look at the blog posts at the side tool bar for more information~

This is one of his posts which i find interesting: CLICK HERE for the link! :)

A second "safe route" we discussed is the Singapore Savings Bonds. This product has so much liquidity, i am surprised that i did not even know of its existence till my friend shared it to me! *facepalm*

Basically, it is a 10 year product that provides about 2-3% returns. The difference from putting the money in a bank is obviously the higher interest rates. And there is one more huge advantage of this product compared with fixed deposits (lower interest rates omg): that is - you can withdraw it ANYTIME you want before the 10 year period, and DON'T suffer any loss due to early termination. What??

Ok maybe the only cost you need to bear is the $2 transaction cost? Plus the time from applying to withdraw the money to you receiving your money is apparently only one month. The liquidity is so awesome! =) I am going to pump my emergency funds in! :)

Maybe i should shut down one of my saving accounts then? Since is offers me such a low rate, and by transferring, i think i will have less than $1000 inside, later kana penalty $5. haha.

Eh if you are someone who is very in tune with all these products, please don't laugh at my ignorance. Ignorance is bliss la! =)

Hmmm..after researching much more on all these money money stuffs late last year, instead of just scrolling and looking at facebook news all day long + watching a lot of tv, i am excited! This will make me think twice before spending on holidays. But i still love to go on trips, so haha i can't throw in all my money too. Later by the time i want to spend my retirement savings, i might not be able to tahan the cold awesome winter/taking planes heh.

I am just so glad that all the part time works i did when i was younger (thus the CPF contributions) can come to some use now! :)

SA SA SA SA St Andrew JC~ haha okay lame. Thank God for a sweet friend~ =D Let's all start saving for retirement, and take care of our health (reminding myself)! Adios!=)