Friday, July 20, 2007


if there's any one thing that crossed my mind so many times, other than A's, it's why God placed mi in SA, why coz of my presence _______ so on became off..why i din't take up that stupid role, and why things happen again and again yet i still felt that way and believe it..and why the class is way so fun. it's unexplanable except to trust you that it's all for my own good..maybe one dAY wHen i gRoW up i will know..hmm.

lol okk that's more than one thingy..hah..

anyway i am feeling abit.......abt some stuffs.. no offence but why issit not very nice for one subject teacher to teach a student of another teacher's ..i mean teachers are to teach doesn't quite matter who teach mi, as long as i understand can alr ma..

oki maybe when another teacher sees a teacher teaching HER student, there will be a weird feeling..

ahhhh i nid someone to teach mi maths =( .fine..i shall wait till the !@!$@%! festival ends and u are more free.

up and down the roller coaster..i dun understand..issit mi or issit mi? =X

mm..anyway life's still special lAR! :)

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