Sunday, February 12, 2017


Hmm..I have some issues to deal with regarding money..

On one hand, I really dislike it as it is a topic that is constantly buzzing around my ears ever since I was growing up. (as we came from a low income family) Non stop, 24/7, even as of now.

The constant talks on wealth, how to work hard to get "Enough", how we can never break past barriers no matter how hard we work, all these are ideas that my naïve mind does not want/wish to subscribe to.

What I believe, and still do - is that God will provide, and since He will, why must I think soooo hard on it. In one of my blog post in the past, I mentioned that this does not mean that we don't do any financial planning, etc. What I meant was, we can just work hard, buy some insurance, save, and have good health, lalala, and all will work out! Right? mmm!

There was even a point in life that I hated it so much - I decided to give $120 to a cab driver who bother to listen to me talk, just to show that I can survive without it. (Not to show off, but just sharing - though I am not sure if I regretted afterwards la LOL)

Yet, on another hand..i love to count/handle money,etc. There was one period I worked in Cisco! And we were all doing some packer job, not packing items, but cash. Stacks of S10/$50, and even smaller stacks of $100K. LOL I must admit it was the most fun temporary job in my life so far, though it was also the most tiring one where we have to work night shifts.

Back on point, as I start to receive more blessings from above, it has become a concern to me, the struggle between reality and my naïve thoughts on $$. I even started to plan for my retirement!! (HUH) and I do spend quite a bit of time reading up in this aspect, instead on the simplistic belief.

In fact, I think i have been spending too much time researching, and this is causing some inner conflict. Because... this subject has began to interest me. Things that I don't care in the past, I have began to see. O.o And this is not always a good thing, because greed comes into the picture.

NoOOoOOOOoO! *tries finding back the old lmf* Wo Bu yaooOOO dong shi x)

LOL anyway, the struggle boils down to one thing. As always. Control. The need to control things in our life. Every time I try to control an area in my life, or starts putting priority on that particular area , things won't work out. But when I let go and trust God to handle well, things does. It's highly interesting isn't it. Hmm. Does anyone else feels the same?

So I have found out after 27+ years of life, that the key to life is not to find happiness! It is to Lose control of things (don't expect too much) and to trust the above to control your life. And that, will somehow lead you to happiness. Haha.

Yes, so less priority on $$$, more priority on the Creator who gave me the grace. I have a love hate relationship with cash, if you give me a surprise visit, I will still welcome you! But bye for now, going to chuck thoughts of you away and re-prioritise hehe! :)

OK I dunno what kind of blog post is this. Maybe one that is just before a busy audit week. Pray that the week will fly by and all will go smoothly at work. Jiayou jiayou everyone! :)


Unknown said...

God will provide you.
You will be at peace when you don't compare with others.
Shift your focus on your life purpose and you will be motivated.

rainbow faerie --- Lee Mei Fung said...

Yes Amen! :) Thanks for the wise advice Sophia!