Wednesday, December 24, 2008


3 days have passed. and i still don't have the courage to open up my econs notes. maybe..maybe after christmas..=(

anyway..wheee tomorrow is christmas day!! =)) MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!~maY 2009 be the best year yet! +)

hmms..talking about best year..isn't it funny that it seems like every year becomes better and better? ...maybe there's one yr that seemed so unbearable, and it seems like there's no light to continue moving on...the whole world seems to be happy except you..and you don't have the courage to move on alone..but soon after, everything just falls into place and there you are going through another year happily.

the angels in human forms..haha guess that meant friends.. =))

i dunno whether to hate you or thank you. but in a way i am glad you are happy now.yupps thanks all the same..may you live happily ever after too.=))

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