Thursday, June 25, 2009

a visit to the dentist.

ahhh went dentist today ..and the dentist say there might be a wisdom tooth coming out and got some skin covering it, so food got stuck there leading to inflammation..=Xx! he followed by helping me clean my teeth and told me it would feel slightly senstive.

but ARgHH the nxt few minutes was filled with me trying to think of a happy event as the pain was ...oUCH... it's like needles poking to every single sides of tooth..slowly..and NOT by one..till it reached the very last tooth that was giving me a headache. =XXXXxXxx OUCHHHH. i can almost feel my tears welling up slowly in my eyes..hoping with all my strength it will be over soon.

finally.. "okii there will be some bleeding, but don't worry..just rinse ur mouth"..

sat up and rinse it..and LOL there were SOOO much blood!! for one thing, i think my gums are super sensitive dunno why, so if i poke it too hard it will bleed, but for the intensity of his poking device on my tooth, it was a wonder all my teeth didn't fall out.

all the questions i had for the dentist disappeared and i walk out of the room in a slightly daze manner. and was shocked the other patients will still sitting there like nth actually happen.. mY TEETH!! >.<
lols oki abit too exaggerating, but yea tt's how i felt when i saw everyone just being in their normal routine still.


the only slightly assuring fact was that the dentist is young and quite cute. LOL. but of course john is the cutest! =PpP!! HEHEHEE. okiii don't roll eyeS* ..but it's true! hahaha.

yaaaa so tt ends my visit to the dentist, where i was given this super disgusting flavoured bottle of liquid to rinse my teeth. >.<..

i am soOO gg to get some sweets!!!=X

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