Tuesday, December 04, 2018

Isabel's birthday and Marriage Retreat@Batam!

On Thursday, I started developing a sore throat..

Went to drink collagen soup at Douby Ghaut with Isabel to celebrate her birthday...and this is where we went!

                                         Tsukada Mojo Singapore.. yes the name sounds chim..

Fufilled look!

                                                                       Birthday girl!

The staff even surprised us with a birthday song and a plate of handmade Happy birthday words with syrup, which was really unexpected and nice of them..

Only downside is, there wasn't a lot of "liao"inside the soup, so if you are a hungry grown up man, maybe you will feel slightly not full. Though the soup made us full! haha..

On Friday and Saturday, Dan and me went to the first ever YL Zone Marriage Retreat at Batam! It was an enriching time together as we made friends with other couples in the zone, played entertaining games, learn many nuggets of a good marriage, and basically stick together for the whole trip.

Unlike other camps which we went to, where we needed to mix around and split up, this 2D1N trip was different! In this trip, it was unique as even the chairs were lined up in pairs so that you could sit with your partner throughout. So thoughtful of them! OK fine maybe cause this is the first time I am attending such a retreat so I am just very pleasantly surprised. :)

We were staying at The Hills @ Batam!

The excellent massage beside the hotel which cost $27/hour. It is on trip advisor too. They press the points real hard and I even fell asleep for the first time!

The ginger tea with yummy kueh bangkit biscuit

Lamoist Kueh Lapis, heard it is famous in Batam. Should have bought more back!

Prices - for your info. Very affordable compared to from SG!

What i have learnt

Would like to jot down some of the many things I learnt so that I will remember!

1. Do not say "SEEEE I TOLD YOU!!!" when your partner did something wrong. Our partners are vulnerable to us as they trust us, so be nice and create a good environment for both of you to grow together!

This is so true!! I remember in the early months of our relationship.. when we went to church and pastor said something that is exactly talking about my flaws, I looked towards Dan and was so grateful that he did not pin point my mistake!! Would have felt so shameful if he did! Learnt since then, to do the same and be a gracious person, even when we know we are right at times.

2. Small things can create big changes over time. Take small steps to build the relationship, listen to the details of each other lives, and ask questions so that we understand one another better. (Learn about his lives, how was his childhood, what he likes and dislikes, etc) This is important as in this busy society, it is easy to take for granted each other and stop listening, or being curious about one another. Don't become over familiar with each other. Familiarity breeds contempt!
Guilty of this!! Talk less, listen more!

3. Positive Perspective of the relationship. Try not to have a negative mindset, positive mindset will set the tone on how we manage the marriage together.

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.-Philippians 4:8

Marriage is the best place to practice humility. If you are proud, God will bring you down. If you humble yourself, God will lift you up!

4. During a conflict, if a guy want to sleep or zone off, LET GO! Don't hold it on, cry out to God! Don't play the blame game, or store things up.

5. Marriage is a call of holiness (selflessness) more than happiness. We can use the struggles, joy to draw closer to God and grow in character. I am no longer an individual, we are a unit! Marriage is the intense act of reconciliation.

It is easy to get along with people whom you are not close with. The closer you are, the harder it is to get along with the person. *some truth haha*

6. Purpose of marriage is to do things that please God.. We should be living for God, not correct or try to change our spouse! Our responsibility is not to change him, it is to change ourselves! We must take responsibility for our actions. Christian love is to love well, when we love well, we please God!

God will answer the prayers of a married man who love their wife(yay!!)

In the same way, you husbands must give honor to your wives. Treat your wife with understanding as you live together. She may be weaker than you are, but she is your equal partner in God's gift of new life. Treat her as you should so your prayers will not be hindered. - 1 Peter 3:7

So I went home and started reading the book I got long time back,  "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus". This two pics are so true! We really like to give advices to men, thinking that it is for their own good, and "we are just helping". But sometimes, they would prefer us to trust them to do the right thing.

End of Tuesday, feeling better than the past two days where I was unwell... 3 more days to the weekend, and my long awaited cruise holidays! :)
Jiayou for the next three days everyone!
Auntie Fung :)

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