Monday, August 07, 2023

IVF Treatment - Day 37

5 Aug 2023 – Today is Day 9 since the start of injections.

It was a Saturday morning, and the appointment was at 8am. Woke up at 6am to inject the two jabs in the morning.

Reached the clinic, took the blood and waited nervously for our turn to do the scan. Doctor decided to do egg extraction on next Tuesday as the eggs are almost ready to be retrieved.

The drawing of blood was more painful than other days, but still bearable. The nurses mentioned that my veins have become smaller, so it was harder to draw the blood, which was causing more pain than usual.

We waited outside for the injection kit, and passed her the cooling bag, which was provided by the clinic on the first injection visit on 28 Jul 23.

My name was called, and we went into the room, not knowing what to expect.

The nurse went through several items with us, and I signed on it. At the back of my mind, I was wondering how many injections I must do this time. Definitely not more than 3injections/day! I thought.

How wrong I was.

We were told to inject one more time tonight: 4 jabs(include drawing of blood) in total on Saturday, and 6 jabs on Sunday. 3 of the 6 jabs to be injected on Sunday, were trigger jabs. They will to be injected at 9.30pm.*

*Disclaimer: Everybody’s IVF experience is different, as each of us has different factors and situations. I heard from my friend that she did not have to inject so many jabs on the final day. So don’t be scare off by me if it is your first time trying for IVF! The ability to not compare with others was put to good use at this point of time. Just accept it and NEXT.

Messaged my pastors, family and friends on the update, to keep us in prayers.

Went home and fell asleep immediately as was feeling too weak. This had to be the weakest I felt.

Covid test would need to be done tomorrow, to ensure that we are well, before hospital admission on next Tuesday.

Took the jab at night, after dinner.

Wondering how I would be able to take 6 jabs on Sunday, I prayed to God for help, and went to sleep early.

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