Saturday, July 29, 2023

IVF Treatment - Day 28

Day 28:27 Jul 2023 – Today, we went for a doctor appointment at 8+am in the morning. They did a blood test, a scan, and taught us how to use the injection kits. As it was the first time we need to learn how to use the injection kits, we took a while to get what the nurse was saying. She patiently guided us, and let me demo for her once, to be sure that we could manage the injections on our own.

I was told to inject my tummy for the next 5 days, with a dose of 225 IU/0.75ml. We were given this medicine called “Follitropin Alfa”. After the next five days, I am to go for another scan on 2 Aug 23.

The scan during today’s appointment showed that there were 5 follicles after I ate the 7days medicine! Thank God. I was so worried because I went to research beforehand, and google said that it was best to have more than 4 follicles at the first scan after taking the medicines. I was afraid that I couldn’t hit the minimum number.

For this IVF, the best results are not too little eggs, and also not too many eggs. Too many eggs produced may lead to Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS), and the whole IVF would need to stop for a month, for the body to recover.

My advisor colleague N, asked me not to do anymore research, as it might stress me out. She advised me to just relax and take it one step at a time. Whatever come, comes.

I realized today that I am really an overthinker. I tend to think way into things that have not even happen yet, so that I can prepare enough to avoid any bad consequences, but this kind of living tends to cause me unnecessary worry and not able to live in the present. And the funny thing is - 95% of the time, the fears I have doesn’t even happen! LOL.

Which is why I admired N, for her cool, just do it attitude. She lives in the moment happily and doesn’t over think so much. I am trying to learn from her this trait, to become a more carefree person too!

Next few days will be the injections days, praying that I will be able to overcome it!

P.S: My period came early today!

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