Saturday, July 29, 2023

IVF Treatment - Day 29

Day 29:28 Jul 2023 – Today is the first night of my IVF injection. After checking in with myself, I am still too scared to take the injections by myself. First, I have shaky hands, and it was at this moment that I thank God, for my hubby who was a Medic, and could do it for me.

He had experiences with needles (poking himself and others), so he was not afraid.

Edited my first video - after the jab to distract myself and made another video with some reflections on the IVF procedure.

I am learning a new skill: editing videos - through this adversity! And this somehow makes me happy. =)

For me, blogging and making videos, help to release a lot of the pent-up stress. Journaling down the whole journey, motivates me that I am not in this alone.

Who knows, it might even help someone who is facing the same difficult situation or other problems, to not give up, and put a smile on their face with my silly nature. (For those who knows me, I like to be a clown and making people laugh is my hobby.)

Trying for a child is a lonely journey that not many will understand. (Just like all problems). Only the person going through the problem, will feel the sorrow/stress the most!

The numerous months of seeing your period come, after it being late for 10-15 days, being hopeful yet disappointed months after months can be unbearable. And many times, period is late because of the body stress, not because of pregnant! *emo and burst out crying*

However, I tried to tell myself that having period, means that there is still a chance of getting pregnant, one day!

So whoever is going through this journey, don’t give up ok.

Shalll post the jabbing videos on our retired youtube channel in future, when we are more ready. Thank you friends for all the love and messages to encourage us, we will jiayou too!

P.S: My Hong Kong friend came to our house to visit and she prayed for us. Thank you MX! ❤

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